The year 1805 is written and Napoleon is awaiting victory in the Battle of Slavkov, and coffee lovers can hear the word "kapuziner" for the first time in Viennese cafes. The name apparently referred to the brown color of the monastic robes of the Capuchin order. According to a number of sources, it was the forerunner of today's cappuccino and was essentially coffee with cream and sugar. But there is still almost a century to go before the first espresso machine sees the light of day. And cappuccino, as we know it today, is definitely not complete without traditional espresso.

CAPPUCCINO – coffee that has a cap

The first mentions of cappuccino in today's form date back to the 1930s, when Italians enjoyed coffee with whipped cream and cinnamon or chocolate sprinkles. A few years later, Europe and not only Europe was ravaged by the Second World War, so the development of coffee or any other culture could not be expected. But the post-war period was already marked by the increasing popularity of the drink, which soon became popular especially with the British.

In our country, the original "capuziner" is now called Viennese coffee, while espresso with hot and frothed milk remains the name cappuccino. After a successful campaign across Europe, South America and Australia, it also celebrated its big boom in the eighties In the United States. It probably goes without saying that Starbucks had a big part in this.

But you definitely don't have to go to a cafe every time you get a taste for a delicious drink with a milk foam cap. You can also prepare a cappuccino at home.

Cappuccino at home step by step

  1. First heat the milk. You will know the correct temperature when small bubbles rise around the edges. In any case, the milk should not be completely boiled. Remove it from the stove in the "bubble" phase.
  2. Now whip it well.
  3. And it's time to prepare an excellent, high-quality espresso.
  4. Add hot milk and milk foam to the finished espresso so that 1/3 of the total volume of the drink is coffee, 1/3 hot milk and 1/3 milk foam.

A quality cappuccino definitely deserves an appropriate cup, so don't hesitate and take a look at our offers.

Who misses espresso coffee machine, you will definitely choose from us. If you enjoy tradition and history, pay particular attention to coffee machines of the brand Bezzera. It's not a coincidence of names, but really a company founded by Luigi Bezzera - the man who brewed the first espresso.

And if your first-class espresso is to get the right milk cap, think about whether you need a quality milk frother.

With the right equipment and a wonderful coffee you can prepare the perfect cappucino whenever you feel like it.

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