Coffee is not as bad for our hearts and blood vessels as thought

Coffee is not as bad for our hearts and blood vessels as thought

Latest research ( link here ) took place at Queen Mary University in London under Professor Steffen Petersen and led to find that hardening of the arteries and arteries is not directly related to drinking coffee, even in people who drink up to 25 cups a day. The study looked at over 8,000 people - the results of previous studies were very inconsistent, which, according to the London research team, may be due to the fact that they did not follow such a large sample.

Subjects were divided into three categories according to the amount of coffee they drank each day - one cup or less, one to three cups and more than three cups, with people with 25 or more cups from research excluded. The results were, of course, processed taking into account many other factors, such as age, biological sex, height, weight, blood pressure, or lifestyle of the subjects, and the tests were performed using magnetic resonance imaging.

The key finding was that no difference was observed between these categories in the condition of the heart and blood vessel walls, so this new study seems to refute its predecessor, and therefore even the consumption of 25 coffees a day will not negatively affect the health of your heart.

However, we must take into account the other factors mentioned above. For example, the research found that the categories with higher coffee consumption mostly include men who smoke and regularly consume alcohol, which certainly has an effect on health.

Of course, research into the effects of coffee on the human body is still ongoing and it can be difficult to choose which one to trust. However, a research team from the University of London hopes that their work will help change what is often said in the media about coffee. After all, they have ruled out one of its alleged negative effects so far.

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