Coffee is incredibly versatile, and this time we're going to focus on its artistic uses. You may not have known until now that coffee can be used to paint in a similar way to watercolours. Try searching social media and you'll be surprised by the wide range of images created with coffee. Would you like to try this painting technique too?

Coffee painting tools

  • Instant coffee
  • Brushes of different thickness
  • Water pot
  • Several smaller paint pots
  • Hairbrush
  • Paper suitable for painting with watercolours
  • Pencil + eraser (if you want to redraw something)
  • Paper tape
  • Paper towels (when you need to suck up excess paint)

Preparing coffee "paint"

To prepare colors in several different shades, simply mix coffee with water in several concentrations - from pronounced dark to very light. Test the prepared colours on a piece of paper to see how they look when dry.Before you make your first brushstroke...

...glue the paper to your table with duct tape. For one thing, this will ensure that you don't shift, and it's also a practical measure against curling the paper, which soaks up water-based inks.

...if you want to redraw the pattern, use a regular pencil. Just be wary of the fact that the lighter coffee shades might not cover the sharper pencil strokes.

cartChoose a quality coffee, grinder, coffee maker, french press, moka pot, dripper, cezve and more.

Get to work

Now you can let your imagination run wild. If you are not so sure about your artistic talent, feel free to use various stencils, take inspiration from other "coffee artists" pictures, etc.

A word of advice

To paint with coffee, it's best to brew a mug or cup of your favorite coffee to create the right "coffee" atmosphere.