Recipe for preparing <a href="" style="color:#88502E;"    title="">Aeropress</a> from its inventor!

Recipe for preparing Aeropress from its inventor!

The method recommended by inventor Alan Adler is quite different from how Aeropress is made by most select coffee enthusiasts. It all starts with Alan taking Aeropress as an espresso machine , while "others" rank them more among filtered coffee. Alan also assumes that Aeropress is for the preparation of 1-3 cups of espresso. Another big difference is that it pours 80 C water over coffee , which makes the coffee sweeter.

Preparation of coffee in Aeropress according to Alan:

  1. Grind about 15g of coffee (1 aeropress scoop), the roughness should be finer about something between espresso and dripper
  2. Insert the paper filter, place the Aeropress on the cup and pour the coffee evenly into it
  3. Pour 80C of water into the Aeropress to about level 2, for 1 cup (3 for 2 cups, 4 for 3 cups)
  4. Stir coffee in Aeropress
  5. for 10 seconds
  6. Squeeze the coffee very gently and slowly for 40-50 seconds
  7. If you want a weaker Americano-style coffee, add hot water
  8. Tap the coffee into the basket and rinse the Aeropress with hot water

Aeropres can also be bought by us, check out the product page.